Privacy Policy

This is the personal data protection policy of FC Legal Asia LLC and it describes how we collect, use, disclose, manage, process and protect  the  personal data which we may collect from you in the course of  providing services to you, is  received  in the course of  your interaction with us or comes into our possession when you or any third party provide any documents or information to us which contain personal data.

Personal data does not include business contact information such as business email address, business title, or any personal data which is publicly available or lawfully disclosed.

If you provide us with the personal data of any individuals, please ensure that you have obtained the requisite consents from those other individuals to provide their personal data to us.

Any personal data collected in the manner above (and or from any other consenting parties) will be used in the following ways:

  • responding to queries including discussing potential engagement
  • provision of legal services, advice and representation and processing and or any other reasonable activities involved in the provision of legal services as well as following up on recovery of payments
  • customer outreach communications and relationship management
  • administration of processing, storage, monitoring and backup of data
  • compliance with any applicable laws and regulations, codes of practice or guidelines, (including due diligence checks)

Your personal data may be disclosed:

  • to service provider, consultants, experts, foreign law firms or agents engaged by us to support the provision of legal services or to assist you with your matters
  • to any liquidator, receiver, official assignee/trustee, judicial manager or any other person appointed under or pursuant to any applicable law or court order in connection with the bankruptcy, liquidation, winding up, judicial management or any other analogous process in respect of any individual, partnership, company or other entity
  • to contractors or third party service providers who provide security, technology solutions and support, operational or administrative services
  • to regulators, government authorities, enforcement agencies or such other parties in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, industry codes and guidelines and any person to whom disclosure is allowed or required by law, regulation or any other applicable instrument

Any disclosure to third parties outside Singapore shall only be upon your instructions and consent and such transfers will only be to parties who agree to process the data with a reasonably comparable level of data protection as that required under Singapore law.

We will take all reasonable measures to ensure that documents containing personal data are properly destroyed or rendered anonymous, once it is reasonable for us to assume that the original purpose for which the personal data collected, is no longer served by its retention and that retention is no longer necessary for any legal, regulatory, compliance or business purpose.

We will safeguard all personal data disclosed to us in the manner which is consistent with industry standards in order to preserve the confidentiality of the personal data and to prevent unauthorised use. However, to the fullest extent permitted by law, we disclaim responsibility for any unauthorised use of your personal data arising from circumstances that are beyond our reasonable control.

Contact us

If you have any enquiries or wish to make any applications related to your personal data, please contact our Data Protection Officer by email at